
our import from Russia

Males     Stud Dogs


„Severnaya Roza Let it Be“

Call name Lilli


Medium bitch apricot (38cm = 14.96 inches)

born at 01.09.2009

Breeder: Irina Fedotova


Prcd– PRA  A

Patella Luxation free

Eyes examination OK

all teeth


FCI- Vice European Winner 2013

International Champion

Danish Champion

Austrian Champion

Luxembourg Champion

Polish Champion

Czech Champion

German Champion VDH

German Champion DPK

VDH Bundessieger 2013

VDH European Winner 2012

DPK Winner 2013

DPK Clubwinner

FCI- Vice Junior World Winner 2010

Bundesjugendsieger 2010

Junior Champion VDH

Junior Champion DPK

PZV Junior Winner 2010

DPK Junior Winner 2010

Poland Winner 2011


Several Best of Breed


Best in Group #1

at Bundessieger Winner Show

in Tulln (Austria) 2013


Best in Group #3

at Double CACIB Show in Praha (Czechia) 2013


Qualification for Cruft‘s Dogshow 2012



Lilli with her sister Laura Rose.


Lilli came from St. Petersburg

from the very known and worldwide successful

breeder Irina Fedotova.

Her kennel „Severnaya Roza“ 

has already shown some

FCI- European Winner and FCI- World Winner.


Lilli is a very elegant female in my eyes,

who has as much nobleness

as the city of the Tsars where she comes from.

Because of that she has the nickname

„Princess (Lillifee)“.


I baught Lilli because of her black mother.

I already thaught myself about crossing in black medium poodles to get true fresh bloodlines,

because of the small genpool by the apricot.

Nearly all apricot are related to each other,

even if it is sometimes very distant.

Her father is out of very interessting

finnish and russian bloodlines.


Lillis mother is out of the black Top– bloodline

„s Tsvetochnoi Polyany“ from Russia, which has already shown several FCI- European Winner and

FCI- World Winner, too.



Thank you Gudrun for this magnificent movement picture!
